
Jõeruum / Riverspace was an open-air exhibition on the main pedestrian bridge of Tartu in the summer of 2012, aimed at fostering a broad public discussion about the future of banks of Emajõgi river. Whereas historically, the river banks in Tartu had been in active use, much of the built substance had been destroyed in World War II and turned to greenery afterwards. The exhibition took place at a time when ideas began to gain ground to reintegrate the areas to the active urban network and allow some building activity to the areas again. To show the very different possibilities how this may be achieved, the exhibition introduced various examples of actively functional human scale riverbanks from all over the world, hopefully contributing to public debate on the issue. A very welcome side effect of the event was that the space on the bridge (and the installation equipment custom made for hanging there) has found repeated reuse for different following exhibitions.

Curators: Jarmo Kauge, Ingrid Ruudi, Tiit Sild
Graphic design: Marje Eelma / Tuumik Stuudio
Supporters: Estonian Cultural Endowment, Tartu Cultural Endowment, Tartu city government, Kaarsilla Kinnisvara, arhitektuurikaubamaja.ee
LIFT11 urban installations festival
Unbuilt. Visions for a New Society, 1986 - 1994

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